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Pennies for Mission
On the second Sunday of each month, a special collection is taken at each service designated for Pennies for Mission. A different mission project is selected monthly to receive the funds collected. The mission projects range from UMCOR to Heart & Hand to Operation Christmas Child to many others. Pennies for Mission is a way for each person to participate in the mission of the church.
2025 Pennies for Mission Agencies

January - UMCOR
February - BUMFS
March - The Scouts
April - C.O.M.E.
May - Camp Agape
June - Soul Food
July - Foster Appalachia
August - Girl Scouts
September - Meals on Wheels
October - Operation Christmas Child
November - Angel Tree
December - It's In the Bag
Soul Food
Soul Food - The Soul Food Café began in the winter of 2000 with former pastors, Roger and Ann Harrison. The Harrison's saw a need for some 'food for the soul' for members who were homebound, recovering from surgery or celebrating the birth of a new baby. Roger and Ann would prepare a meal in the church kitchen once a month and then deliver the meals to those in need of soul food.

That ministry has continued to the present time where over 150 meals are delivered each month to those who need a warm, hearty, delicious meal. More importantly,it is a way to show those who receive our meals that St. Paul's is thinking about them and cares for them.
Soul Food is offered every third Tuesday of the month. Mary King reported that 160 meals were delivered on December 18th with 50 to 60 people attended the covered-dish dinner.
Community Tree Ministries
Sponsored by the UMW

Giving Trees

 During special seasons of the year members and friends of St. Paul's are asked to participate in "giving" trees.
Angel Tags Many needs are met through  the annual Christmas "giving tree!" Your generous donations brighten the holidays for families in the local area and through Burlington United Methodist Family Services. 
A BIG BUNNY HUG to you from the United Women in Faith for your continued generous support of the Easter egg "giving tree" which puts some "spring" into the lives of some families in need. Please know you have put a smile on a child's face and gratitude in a parent's heart. Thank you for shar-ing your blessings.
Turkey Tag Time

Many thanks to all who brighten someone's day with the delivery of a "Turkey tag" meal during Thanksgiving week. Being remembered is a wonderful gift. May you find great joy in knowing you are sharing your blessings with someone else.
Christian Crossing Report

Christian Crossing Thrift Shop, operated by the Garrett Cooperative Ministry, is in need of workers, especially those strong enough to help move some furniture and lift boxes, during open hours on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm and Thursday from 5 to 7 pm. If able to help, please contact Bob Huebner at 301.616.9593 or
Care and Visitation Plans

We have church members at the Goodwill Home in Grantsville, Dennett Road Manor, Oakland Rehab, Cherry Hill, and more out-of-town elderly former members. We also have members who are shut-in at home. How can we care for our shut-ins and for the residents of our personal care homes?

Here are some ideas:

1. Sponsor parties at the one of our rehabilitation home such as a Spring Fling, God Bless America (a Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July date) or Glory of Autumn.

2. Adopt-a-Grandparent: this means adopting an older member. Visit your "grandparent" once or more often a month.

3. Send birthday and holiday cards to older members.

4. Take an older person out to lunch or for a ride in the car. An older person may seldom, if ever drive the car.

5. Take an older person to a church activity.

Do you have other suggestions? Contact the Church Office at 301-334-2391.
The Garret County Senior Citizen Food Project: It was brought to our attention that there's a need to help supplement the dietary needs of some seniors in our community. Containers have been placed in the narthex where you may place any of the following items: canned soups, pudding cups, instant oatmeal, fruit or applesauce cups. The Garrett Co. Senior Citizen Food Project will be an ongoing ministry. Contact Sue Damon at 301.334.4242 or Terry Riley at 301.334.5684 with suggestions or drop a note in the offering plate.