318 East Oak Street
 Oakland, Maryland 21550
 Phone (301) 334-2391

"We are a mission-oriented family on a journey of following Jesus in the Wesleyan tradition."
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St. Paul's UMC
Updates for the Week of February 16, 2025
Worship Schedule for Sunday, February 16, 2025 Pastor Jim Martin

8:15 am &10:45 am in person worship service and live-stream on Facebook with radio broadcast on
local stations WMSG 1050 AM and WKTZ 95.9 FM

Facebook Broadcasting 10:45 AM
St Paul's will be streaming the 10:45 am service on Facebook.
Thank you to all who helped with this decision.

Today's radio broadcast on WMSG 1050 and WKTZ 95.9 FM is sponsored by Willetta Mateer
in memory of her husband, Paul R. Mateer Jr.
Past Worship Services are available on our website:
www.stpaulsumcoakland.com Click on the link for an order of worship
(bulletin) and for giving to
the mission and ministry of St. Paul's.

Sunday School Meeting
There will be a Children and Youth Sunday School Meeting for all Sunday School
teachers, all volunteers and all families with children on
Sunday, March 9th at 9:30 a.m.
between the worship services. All teachers and volunteers who recently completed their
Safe Sanctuaries Training and background checks are urged to attend. Family members
with children, we look forward to you being there to discuss the future programs and
classes of our Sunday School Department.

Radio Ministry 2025
Our service is broadcast every Sunday at 10:45 AM on WMSG 1050 AM and WKTZ 95.9
FM. Because of your generous giving, we are able to be in the homes of many in the
community who are not able to attend a weekly church service.
We currently need
sponsors for 9, 16, & 23 March.
If you underwrite a full broadcast for $110, you may
place it in honor or in memory of a special person in your life; however, your gift in any
amount is appreciated. If you feel led to support this ministry, please contact the Church
office at 301.334.2391 or stpaulsumcoakland@gmail.com. 

Pennies for Mission February Burlington Family Service
Pennies for Mission for the month of February will be the Burlington Family Services.
The mission of Burlington United Methodist Family Services (BUMFS) is to change
"lives by preventing harm and providing hope and healing to hurting children and
families." Established in Mineral County, WV, in 1913, the agency has grown
throughout the years to become a Christ-centered, client-focused, multi-service agency
with sites throughout West Virginia and Western Maryland. Ministries include
residential treatment homes for youth, an on-grounds school, preventive services, and
community-based services, such as adoption services, parent counseling, foster care,
target case management, student intervention, spiritual life programs, a recovery house,
a transitional living program, and numerous other services. Your gift will help BUMFS
provide services to every child in need regardless of who they are, what they have
done, or where they live by empowering them to discover and fulfill their spiritual,
academic, personal, and professional dreams and passions

Bible Study
There will be bible study sessions, via Zoom, scheduled on Thursdays, 11:00-12:00. The
class will be held via Zoom, for the winter months due to the weather.
Topic: St. Paul's Bible Study
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, until Feb 27, 2025, 8 occurrence(s)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 9965 7807
Passcode: 858691
All are welcome to join!

Liturgists Needed
Liturgists are needed especially for the 10:45 service. Please consider volunteering to
help lead St Paul's services. Anyone that is interested, please contact Dawn in the office
at 301-334-2391 or stpaulsumcoakland@gmail.com. Thank You!

Share the Warmth
Help someone stay warm this winter.
The following items are needed from
October 31, 2024 through March 31st, 2025
Blankets • Coats • Scarves • Hats • Gloves • Socks
Adult sizes only.
Items can be left on the stage in the Fellowship Hall.
Giving to St. Paul's UMC
Ways to give whether you are worshiping with us in person or via streaming on
Facebook Live:
By placing your offering in the plate as it is passed during service worship.

By going online to www.stpaulsumcoakland.com, clicking on "donations"
which will take you to online giving which allows you to give through pay pal or

By sending a check or bringing you're offering into the church office during
the week.
Address for St. Paul's: 318 East Oak Street, Oakland, MD 21550.

Thank you for giving generously to St. Paul's throughout 2025! Your dollars are going towards underwriting our ministry and mission and to provide facilities in which both our church family and community organizations can meet.
Thank you, again for your faithful giving in 2024!

At Easter, we decorate the altar with Easter Lilies in celebration of
resurrection life! If you would like to place a lily in memory,
honor, or celebration of someone or an event, please fill out the
form below and return to the office no later than April 7, 2025.
Flowers may be ordered through the church office, or if you
prefer, you may purchase and place them yourself on Friday, April
11, 2025. The flowers purchased through the church office are
$13.00 each.
_____In Memory of: _____ In Honor of: _____ In Celebration of:
_______________________________________ [person(s) or event(s)]
By: ______________________________________________________
_____ I would like the church office or order my lily and have included payment of
$13.00 per plant.
_____ I will purchase and place my own lily and have it at the church by 12:00 pm on
Friday, April 11, 2025.
St Paul's UMC Dedicates a New Ramp and Lift to Honor the Leighton Family

On Sunday, August 25th, St. Paul's United Methodist Church dedicated the new ramp, expanded concrete entranceway, and lift into the sanctuary to honor Dr. Barbara Leighton, Dr. Herbert Houck Leighton and his wife, Dorothy Brock Leighton. The ramp's architect for the design and construction of the project was John C. Wilmot. This project culminates endeavors of the church to ensure the church is accessible to include the creation of a wheelchair accessible restroom on the sanctuary level.

St. Paul's welcomes all to join us in worship on Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Now, all can enter our sanctuary safely and with ease in accessibility.

Photos requested: Our webmasters are seeking photos you have taken of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in action. Photos of us fulfilling our mission and ministries send a message to those who visit our website that we are actively engaged in serving our community and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Please remember your webmasters as you take photos and email them to Melissa Rank at mrank320@comcast.net. Thank you for your help!
Are you interested in membership at St. Paul's? As a member, you covenant together with God and the other members of the local church to grow in faithful discipleship as you faithfully participate in our ministries through your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We are currently forming our next membership class. For more information, see Pastor Matthew or contact the church office at 301.334.2391 or mystpauls1@gmail.com.

1050 - AM
95.9 - FM
Sunday 10:45 a.m.
Thank you for supporting the radio broadcas.t in We are now organizing the schedule for this year. If you underwrite a full broadcast for $110, you may place it in honor or in memory of a special person in your life; however, your gift in any amount is appreciated. If you feel led to support this ministry, please contact the church office at 301.334.2391 or by emailing at stpaulsumcoakland@gmail.com .
Contact the Web Master